### Attention Artists, if you would like to be included in our online gallery, just fill out the submission form here.
Melanie Oliva
### Attention Artists: if you would like to be included in our online gallery, just fill out the submission form here.
Franklin Axel Cedeno
Nature Loving Artist
Art is all around us, you just have to open your eyes
Marcelo Salup
Not Boring Portraits
I think photography ought to make you look good. But not boring. Why be vanilla?
Quique Matos
### Attention Artists, if you would like to be included in our online gallery, just fill out the submission form here.
Pamela Palma
### Attention Artists, if you would like to be included in our online gallery, just fill out the submission form here.
Peter Tarjan
### Attention Artists, if you would like to be included in our online gallery, just fill out the submission form here.
Sim the Artiste’
### Attention Artists, if you would like to be included in our online gallery, just fill out the submission form here.
Sol Gersh
### If you would like to be included in our featured artists, just fill out the interview form here.
### Attention Artists, if you would like to be included in our online gallery, just fill out the interview form here.
Susan Alvarez
### Attention Artists, if you would like to be included in our online gallery, just fill out the interview form here.
Rebecca Butler Clark
### Attention Artists: if you would like to be included in our online gallery, just fill out the interview form here.
Jennifer Maria
Jennifer Maria – colorful, sensual, flowy Do what you love. Base of operations: Miami Beach How to contact this artist: www.jennifermaria.com Instagram @jennifermaria.com.art Background: Art is something that’s been with me since childhood. I just alternate mediums and concepts depending on my inspiration. Tour: I have many, mostly positive experiences from shows and even the […]
Interview – Ronnie Greenspan – Artist
Ronnie Greenspan Website Facebook Instagram Youtube Biography: Ronnie Greenspan’s work transports viewers to a whimsical. otherworldly place. Show highlights: Nicole Miller Inc. Art Basel Exhibit ArtServe RedEye Exhibit Glass Gallery -one man show Barrier Islands Gallery ArtServe True Colors Exhibit Do you make a career out of or hope to make a career out of […]
Interview – Ileana Collazo – Artist
Ileana Collazo Website Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube Biography: I learned all I needed to about creating art as a young girl in my grandmother’s garden – where I sat doing what as an adult I call meditating – that quite spot, became my temple. Many years passed before I began to birth the creations conceived […]
Alejandra Vargas
Courtney Einhorn
If you would like to be included in our featured artists, just fill out the interview form here.
Interview – Marjory E. Leposky – Artist
Marjory E. Leposky Website Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube Biography: Marjory E. Leposky, a filmmaker and children’s chapter book author with more than 10 years of production experience on a broad spectrum of projects that include TV commercials, music videos for local artists, and feature film productions. She has served as the following: casting director, casting […]
Star Trauth
### If you would like to be included in our featured artists, just fill out the interview form here.
Cristina Morrison
If you would like to be included in our featured artists, just fill out the interview form here.
Interview – Irena Gapkovska – Artist
Irena Gapkovska Website Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube Biography: Born in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, Irena Gapkovska is a passionate visual artist who, since 1998, is also the Founder and President of NGO Art Studio in Skopje. Irena was graphic designer for the newspaper Elena and for Nova Makedonija Magazine, receiving a national award for best […]
Interview – Adorable Monique – Artist
Adorable Monique Website Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Snapchat: Biography: Adorable Monique is an award-winning U.S. based artist brought up abroad. She holds a Baccalaureate from La Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes and a BFA obtained at La Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán and is currently pursuing a MFA. She has had the good fortune to […]
Interview – Daniela Gabay – Artist
Daniela Gabay Website Facebook Biography: Born and raised in Venezuela, Daniela Gabay is an internationally published, award-winning photographer. Daniela specializes in whimsical pictures of babies, children and families. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor of fine arts degree in photography. Show highlights: 28 May 2015 – siglo events – Affectus photo exhibition Do you make […]
Interview – Mark Diamond – Artist
Mark Diamond Website Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube Biography: Mark Diamond has been telling stories with pictures since the age of five, and professionally as a photojournalist for Time Magazine, Rolling Stone magazine, and others since his teens. In 1975, Diamond opened the first 3-D laser Hologram Gallery, Studio and Laser laboratory in the Southeast United […]
Interview – Jonathan Brooks – Artist
Jonathan Brooks Website Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube Biography: Jonathan Brooks is an award winning Photographer/Visual Artist, whose work has been exhibited in Miami, New York City, Amsterdam, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. He is currently one of the 2017 Artists In Residency at the Deering Estate at Cutler. His work has been used as […]
Interview – Michael Thomas Diaz – Artist
ARTIST QUESTIONS: Name: Michael Thomas Diaz Most Recent Eexhibition: Broward Palm Beach New Times Artopia Website: www.mikediazart.com · Do you make a career out of or hope to make a career out of art, or is it a sideline for you? I have made a career out of art as a Graphic Production Artist working […]
Interview – Kat Rabitt – Artist
Name: Kat Rabbitt Current exhibition: GENDER BENDER Saturday June 13th in Miami’s Design District during the Art Walk Website: WWW.KATRABBITT.COM · Do you make a career out of or hope to make a career out of art, or is it a sideline for you? I am making a career out of it and I have […]
Interview – Gus Colors – Artist
Name: Gus Colors Current exhibition: Wallace Gallery, Fort Myers FL Website: www.GusColors.com · Do you make a career out of or hope to make a career out of art, or is it a sideline for you? Currently, I am working expanding by exploring different mediums and ways to show and promote my art. However, I […]
Interview – Daniel Azoulay Gallery – Gallery
Gallery Name: Daniel Azoulay Gallery Owner:  Daniel De Azoulay Artistic Director: Natasha Nesic Opening Date: 1999 at the Design District (previous location: 3900 N.E. 1 St Ave Miami, Florida 33137) Current location:  3301 N.E. 1st Ave. Miami, Florida 33137 Website:  www.DanielAzoulayGallery.com · How did your interest in the business of art start? I began to […]
Interview – Alison Eager – Artist
Name: Alison C. Eager Current exhibition: Signs of Oneness (opening Saturday May 16 at Sailboat Bend Lofts) Website: www.rawhoneyinc.com · Do you make a career out of or hope to make a career out of art, or is it a sideline for you? Art is my career. I do intend to profit from it. · […]
Interview – Gustavo Oviedo – Artist
Name: Gustavo Oviedo Future exhibition: Swenson Gallery @ The Bakehouse -“Southern hospitality” opening reception Friday Nov.13th 2009 Website: www.131projects.com · What is it about your work that makes it speak to people or to the community at large? My work is influenced by my experiences, as I grew up I moved from one country to […]
Interview – Henry Ballate – Artist
Name: Henry Ballate Website: www.miamiartstudio.com · Do you make a career out of or hope to make a career out of art, or is it a sideline for you? I can only live making art. I need it like I need to breathe and it gives me the utmost satisfaction. I was born in the […]
Interview – Dan Vidal – Artist
Name: Dan Current exhibition: Just Dance Website:  www.dan-vidal.com www.seenightlife.com · Do you make a career out of or hope to make a career out of art, or is it a sideline for you? Right now it’s what I do, and I want to do more of it. I can pay the rent, so I […]
Interview – Dena Stewart – Artist
Name: Dena Stewart Current exhibition: Website: www.denastewart.us · Do you make a career out of or hope to make a career out of art, or is it a sideline for you? For more than thirty years, art in one form or another – painting or writing – has been my life – either doing it […]
Interview – Deborah Weed – Artist
Name: Deborah Weed Current exhibition: Rotating shows. . . Website: web.mac.com/deborahweed www.discoveredartists.com/gallery/ArtofBliss · Do you make a career out of or hope to make a career out of art, or is it a sideline for you? It is a career. · What is it about your work that makes it speak to people or to […]
Interview – Sabrina Joy Winogrond – Artist
Name: Sabrina Joy Winogrond Current exhibition: White Series Website:  www.TheGreatCuddle.com  · Do you make a career out of or hope to make a career out of art, or is it a sideline for you? It feels as though what I do is much larger than the idea of a career or even me as […]
Interview – Maria Alquilar – Artist
Name: Maria Alquilar Current exhibition: none Website: www.maria-alquilar.com · Do you make a career out of or hope to make a career out of art, or is it a sideline for you? I have always been a self-taught artist. I started at age five designing clothes for paper dolls. In grade school and middle school, […]
Interview – Alette Simmons-Jimenez and Artformz Gallery
Gallery Name: Artformz Owner: Alette Simmons-Jimenez Artistic Director: Alette Simmons-Jimenez Opening Date: June 2004 Location: Wynwood Art District, 171 NW 23rd Street, Miami Florida 33127 Website: www.artformz.net · How did your interest in the business of art start? As an artist, I first had my own work in mind. I had worked with a few […]
Interview – Angelica Clyman – Artist
Name: Angelica Clyman Website: http://www.angelicaclyman.com/ · Do you make a career out of or hope to make a career out of art, or is it a sideline for you? My art is a top priority and passion for me. Right now, teaching art is my bread and butter, but I find that painting and teaching […]
Interview – Adela Holmes and PressitOn Art Gallery
Gallery Name: PressitOn Art Gallery Owner: Adrian Pasieka Artistic Director: Adela Holmes Opening Date: April 11,2009 Location: Design District 4100 N. Miami Ave, Miami, FL 33127 Website: www.pressitonart.com · How did your interest in the business of art start? I started representing my artist friend Laura DiNello in 2000. · Is this your first gallery? […]
Interview – CityLoftArt and Hans-Juergen R. Klemm
Gallery Name: European Art Gallery INC / CityLoftArt LLC Owner: Hans-Juergen R. KLEMM Artistic Director: Hans-Juergen R. KLEMM Opening Date: 2004 / 2007 Location: 61 NE 40th Street Miami Design District Miami Fl.33137 Website: www.euartgallerymiami.com / www.CityLoftArt.com How did your interest in the business of art start? Being German, my private life has been influenced […]
Interview – William Braemer and Art Fusion Galleries
Gallery Name: Art Fusion Galleries Director: William Braemer Location: 1 Northeast 40th Street, Suites 3, 6 & 7, Miami, FL 33137 Website: www.artfusiongallery.com · How did your interest in the business of art begin? I have always been interested in art. When I was a boy, I would take my mother’s canvases and oil paints […]
Interview – Nina Johnson & Gallery Diet
Gallery Name: Gallery Diet Owner: Nina Johnson Artistic Director:  Nina Johnson Opening Date:  November 2007 Location:  174 NW 23 St Miami Fl 33127 Website: www.gallerydiet.com · How did your interest in the business of art start? It started at a fairly young age though in a very different manifestation from what I do now. My […]
Interview – Culture Kings & Chris Oh
Gallery Name: Culture Kings Artist Collective Owner:  Chris Oh Artistic Director:  Chris Oh / Johnny Robles Opening Date:  April 11th, 2009 Location:  4300 NE 2nd AVE. Miami, FL 33137 Website: www.culturekings.org · How did your interest in the business of art begin? Art has been a passion of mine ever since I can remember. As […]
Interview – Reed V. Horth
Name: Reed V. Horth Company Name: Robin Rile Fine Art Opening Date: June 2008 Location: Miami Website: www.robinrile.com · How did your interest in the business of art start? I have always generally leaned towards art throughout my life. I think the realization that I was better at the “Business side” than the “Art side” […]
Interview – Claire Breukel
Name:  Claire Breukel Current Company:  ICArt, Miami Current Position:  Director of Projects Website: www.icart.net Previous positions of note: Executive Director, Locust Projects · How did your interest in the business of art begin? I am fascinated with what incentivizes artists to make work. When I was growing up I lived next to a Belgian artist, […]