Against the lines
Base of operations: Ft Lauderdale
How to contact this artist: Jaq_designs on instagram
Facebook Jaq designs
Instagram Jaq_designs
Background: Peruvian born, living in the states for the last 35 years, my love with metal comes from my training in my teens on the art of forging.
Tour: Intersección, in Wynwood Miami Florida 2,001
Career: It is not full time now, but it will be.
Inspiration: My work is defiantly tie to the human condition, and human history, the very reason of art shall be the one of revolution. So that’s what I do.
Outreach: Unfortunately and artist need exposure to be able to sell and make a living, this is something I will find out, because I never had to depend on my art to survived,…now I will.
Medium: Medium could vary but is basically metals.
Why here tho? The weather is sweet, makes you want to moved your dancing feet..
Favorites: Nothing to tell them at all.
Suggestions: Artist are born,…you do not learn art in a school,…so you will know if you are or not.

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