* The Knight Foundation “Soul of the Community” study looks at what contributes to residents’ attachment to their community. It indicates that Social Offerings are the number one attribute correlated to attachment.
* The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and National Endowment for the Arts Preliminary Report Impact of Arts and Culture on U.S. Economy indicates that the arts have a significant impact on gross domestic product.
* The National Governors Association published “Using Arts and Culture to Stimulate State Economic Development” (PDF format) talking about the positive impact that the arts can have on the economy.
* The Miami’s Great Inflection study (PDF) on the Miami area’s growth by Richard Florida and his Creative Class Group with Florida International University concludes that one key area of focus, opportunity, and action is the creative economy, which spans arts, culture, fashion, media, entertainment, music, and food, as well as science and technology, health and education, logistics and management, and business and finance.