A very cool opportunity from the Society of Human Resource Managers for mucisians, singers and other performers.
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Name of the show: GMSHRM Multi-Cultural Event
Submission Deadline: October 7, 2013
Cost to apply:
Application Link or Email: mmuniz-pellicer@ywca-miami.org
Show Location: Frost Museum @ FIU
Date of Show: 11-19-2013
Call Details: The Greater Miami SHRM Chapter will be hosting a Multi-cultural Reception in November at the Frost Museum to celebrate the diversity of our community.
Miami itself is ranked one of the highest in the U.S. for its multi-cultural arts & entertainment. It literally has artists and entertainers from around the world that celebrate our multi-ethnic flavor.
We would like your assistance identifying some of these local performers that represent a special talent indicative from a diverse region of the world that would like to have an opportunity to showcase their talent in our multi-cultural event.
We are specially interested in singers and musicians representing different parts of the world, all types of diverse dancers, such as flamenco, belldancing, tango, also interested in all sort of drum & percussion artists, especially african, caribbean, calypso, etc. The more diverse and distinctive, the better.
Their total commitment time would only be about 10 to 15 minutes, and in return, they will get to promote their visibility with professional and executives that in many cases are decision makers for staff and company events and happenings.
Please supply us with name, type of performer, corner of the world they represent, and contact information. A selection will be made for only the top 5-6 diverse acts that have the availability and the willingness to show-off their talent in a beautiful setting, with a large audience of professionals.
Looking forward to all my friends and colleagues helping us make this event a true celebration of diversity in our South Florida community.
Mary Muniz-Pellicer
VP Professional Development
Greater Miami SHRM
Contact information:
Name: Mary Muniz-Pellicer
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